An Opportunity to Bless













Click on this link: Meet the Beautiful Children to read more about each kid currently  living at the orphanage!

Christmas is just around the corner.

We’d like to offer you an opportunity to bless the children living in the orphanage Loving Haiti supports by making a monetary donation this Christmas season.

As Denny and I sat down to assess the current and most pressing needs of Loving Haiti, the need for full support/funding for every kid in the orphanage popped into our minds over and over and over again. While there are many needs Loving Haiti could support right now, we feel it is most important to try and raise the monthly fees it takes to adequately support the kids!

It may sound like a lot but it costs $100/month  to fully support each  kid in the orphanage. (This is a carefully calculated number that takes into account food, medical care, school, propane, paying the workers, etc).

With 35 kids in the orphanage this would mean we need to raise $3,500/month.

Currently, we bring in &775/month with our recurring monthly supporters. This means that currently the kids aren’t getting 3 meals a day, the compound is understaffed, etc.

WE NEED MORE MONTHLY SUPPORTERS!!!! ($2725/month worth!)

We would LOVE to obtain this goal and gift this present to them by January 1st of 2013! That means we have 31 days to raise the funds.

There couldn’t be a better season to give then Christmas, right?!

This is your chance to give a lasting, meaningful,  and very needed gift.

Before you say “no” or before you say “let me think about it”, PLEASE click here to Meet the Beautiful Children, if you haven’t already.

Then after you’ve stared at their beautiful faces, read about their dreams and aspirations, please, please, PLEASE consider giving.

Do you have someone you want to buy a gift for but you know they don’t “need” anything? Are you participation in Advent Conspiracy and want to give towards something meaningful this year?

On behalf of Pastor Francois and Madam and all the beautiful kids, we’d like to say “Thank You.”

Thank you for reading this post.

Thank you for reading about the beautiful children.

Thank you to all of you who are currently supporting Loving Haiti, sharing our website with others, and praying for this ministry.

And of course, Thank you to all who will give towards Loving Haiti this Christmas season.

Think you want to give? Want to know how?

1. Follow the steps on the right side of the homepage about how to give.

2. Remember to please e-mail me once you have donated so that I can keep track of the progress!

3. E-mail me if you are donating to Loving Haiti in lieu of buying a present for someone and we will send you a card stating that a donation has been made on their behalf. Please make sure you include your name and address and the name of the person you are giving the gift to. If you want us to mail the card directly to them, please include their address as well.

4. If you have any questions please e-mail us!

***Ideally we would like as many “Recurring Donations” as possible so that Francois is getting a consistent amount every month.  Of course, if you’d like to give a one time donation, that would be gladly received as well(we will just divide it over the 2013 calendar year).

Whether you can stretch yourself to give $10/month or $100/month we are grateful for EVERY donation.

Merry Christmas!

Jwaye Nwel!


P.S. This is not a traditional child sponsorship program. Whatever money we receive monthly will be divided between ALL the kids! I do however, encourage you to choose a child’s picture to print out and put on your fridge so that you can be reminded to pray for them!






Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on December 1, 2012

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How to give a tax deductible donation

Loving Haiti Inc. is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization and your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law.
Loving Haiti
1607 Somerville Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526



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Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

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6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856