Day 5-Boss/Shaw/Bain














Today was another awesome day in the “school of Haiti” as Francois always says.  We were able to head down the road and help at the Haiti Home of Hope feeding clinic with the Campbell’s.  The work they do here is literally lifesaving.  Today was for infants, mothers/grandmothers/aunts/neighbors would walk up to 12 miles just to get here.

This baby will soon get a surgery in Port-au-Prince!








Bubba Mark knew how to make them smile:









Kevin and Kevins:









Bubba and his buddy Kevins:









Tim and Kevin handed out the formula, they had to tear the labels off and open the seal to ensure the formula will not try to be sold.









These guys are naturals:









Sad boy :-(









Sharing a taxi home…









After the clinic they heard a sad story about one of their patients.  The father and mother have struggled financially for a while, the Campbell’s support them as much as they can.  The father, mother and their 2 year old are all HIV/AIDs positive and the father has recently come down with tuberculosis.  The Campbell’s took in this couples oldest daughter as she is HIV free.  We went to their house to see if there is any medicine or help we could offer.  This man could barely move he was so ill.  Jennifer talked about how he may not live much longer.  We went in and prayed for him in their 8x8ft home.  After the prayers I had to walk out of their house as I was beginning to cry.  Such sadness was in that room.









We went back to the Campbell’s for lunch, contacted the hospital and decided it would be best to take him in.  We head back to pick him up and as we load him and his wife in the truck they leave their daughter with a neighbor.  The father covered his eyes as we drove off to the sound of his daughter screaming, I think he realized this may be his last time at home.  My tears swelled with his.










We arrived at the hospital and had to help walk him in.  Before we entered the hospital, he stopped and wailed.  I have never heard this sort of sound, followed by tears and in my heart I felt that he knew he may be walking into the room where he will die.  There are not words to describe the emotions in my heart, my mind, and my soul.  I was completely helpless, I could not offer anything except touch and prayer.  We left him at the hospital and in the Lord’s hands, please pray for Renald (sp?).


On a lighter note, we went back to the Campbell’s and had Francois drop his boys off there for a friendly game of the real ‘futbol’.  We were able to give out some soccer cleats and goalie gloves provided by Terry Boss (thanks!).











This one is for Ter-Bear:























Coach Bubba Mark:











Tim’s Birthday Party!!! (the two candles symbolize his two times in Haiti!)









Workout time (I am not in the pictures, because someone had to take them.  Sacrifice)











Snacks and Dr. Bubba time:









Careful when you stretch around these kids, they may tie you up:










Some singing to end the night:










Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on March 28, 2012

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  1. by Gramma Lynn

    On March 28, 2012

    Oh Denny. I understand there are no words to describe that kind of suffering. Bless you, Kevin, Tim and Mark for being there, and for inspiring the rest of us!
    I pray the Lord comforts your hearts.

  2. by cy

    On April 3, 2012

    You guys are certainlly something VERY SPECIAL and I’m proud to know you!!


  1. Day 5, 6, 7-Art/Feeding Clinic/Driving Lessons | Loving Haiti Day 5, 6, 7-Art/Feeding Clinic/Driving Lessons | Supporting an orphanage, school, sewing center and church in Pignon, Haiti.

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Fort Collins, CO 80526



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