Day 7/8-Boss/Shaw/Bain













With our last day at hand we spent the first part of the morning playing with the kids:















Some local people from the church set up a ‘market’ for us to buy some local goods.  Pastor is nice to give these people a venue to sell some goods:









We decided that we needed to finish moving all the rocks so they can start building up their foundation of the wall.  The kids were helpful as always :-)






























After the rock moving, we all cleaned up and got ready for a party.  We gave money to Francois to buy rice/beans, meat, and soda for all the kids/workers and some elders in the church.  Everyone got dressed up and it was an awesome night.  I put together a little slideshow of pictures and videos for the kids to see.  They LOVE seeing themselves on the projector :-)


















































The next morning Pastor let a few of the kids ride with us to the airport to see us off, it was very difficult saying goodbye to these precious kids:






















*I am still working on putting together a short video, which will include more pictures/videos/music from our trip, so stay tuned*




Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on April 3, 2012

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1 Comment

  1. by Betsy

    On April 4, 2012

    ….and I can only imagine how hard it was for these kids to say good-bye to you three. What a memory they will have of what servants look like. And how special that you (Denny) will be back in June, God-willing, with your family!! It looks like it was a great week for all three of you. Thankful you are back safely!
    The Joyces

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