













First of all, thank you all for the nice comments and e-mails!  We genuinely appreciate hearing from you.

The fence update and future well project post should be up tomorrow.

But for today, here’s a fun update:






Our girls wanted to dress up fancy because we were having another American couple and their kids come over for dinner.









It started to rain while they were here so the girls somehow fit into one rain coat :-)









The next morning, Pastor asked us if we could help him set up a webcam that his daughter game him(She lives in the US) so that he could Skype!









This is a typical “Haitian Kitchen” using charcoal to cook. This sweet girl cooks us amazing food! Francois also has a propane stove that was donated through Loving Haiti supporters last year (it is broken right now :-( ).









All the cooks!  Madam taught the oldest(on the far right) to cook and she is now teaching the teenage girls in the orphanage how to cook.  They cook whenever guests come. (There are workers here that cook for all the kids.) There are two large windows in this specific kitchen and a screen door to try and help with air flow since this room only has charcoal cooking.









Sweaty Betsy :-) Jump roping in this heat is brutal.









Driving lessons with Shelove and Girda!









Dorina and her husband Ericlee, and their kids, come here every summer. They pretty much do what we do, just across town. Dorina started the Haitian Bead Project , and we got to visit one day and see all the beautiful jewelry.

*Cool side fact: Ericlee’s grandparents were the first American missionaries in Pignon and they led Pastor Francois to Christ many many years ago. Pastor Francois is about to have his 30th church anniversary!!! So neat that Ericlee’s family’s ministry  led to Francois’ ministry!









It’s fun to take the little kids out on walks since they never get to leave the compound(mainly safety reasons). We took two girls and a boy from the orphanage on a walk to the market. One of the girls kept saying ‘Tractor! Tractor!” as she walked by the  huge tractors involved in the new road construction.









The ‘parking lot’ at the market.























Washing time.











Bella helped wash for a little while, however, Betsy was literally scrubbing, carrying water, and washing clothes with the big girls for 3-4 hours!










Fetching water









Carrying the water to the washing station.









The Haitian way.









Madam made Betsy a special dress!










Felisiane was given a barbie doll courtesy of Danielle (thanks!), and she has sewn multiple outfits for her!











Some of the cute outfits.









Danielle(Intern with Bill and Jennifer) is a true Haitian, in the choir and all!









Pastor using the Jesus StoryBook Bible (we have one person interested in helping to purchase a set of Creole Jesus StoryBook Bibles, if you would also like to help please email us, just $500 including shipping for 40)!





Thanks for taking the time to read this!

We are LOVING our time here and we are getting very sad to leave :-( We are hoping to come out next summer for 2-3 months…so if any readers are interested in coming down here, next summer would be a perfect time.

For those of you wondering about Bella’s bites, they are much better! It rained for a few days so the mosquitoes were almost non-existent, which gave her old bites time to heal. And it gave us a few days to cool down. It’s getting hot again but we’re tolerating it much better than when we first arrived.

We will try to post the update tomorrow on the fence and possible well project!

Madam just grabbed my face, kissed me,  and in her broken English said, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” and Pastor just said, “Thank you for EVERYTHING.” So to all of you who have supported Loving Haiti, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!  You are making many people down here happy, healthy and hopeful.






Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on June 20, 2012

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  1. by Kari Riley

    On June 20, 2012

    I love being able to read these updates to my kids and tell them what you guys are doing. So great!

  2. by Kellie Cleaver

    On June 20, 2012

    I am so excited for you guys! Miss you dearly and can’t wait to talk and hear all the details and stories….your family is so inspiring to Mark and I….we love you dearly and pray for you often. All my love!

  3. by Jill

    On June 21, 2012

    I can’t wait to hear the girls describe these last four weeks of their life in Haiti! Betsy
    will especially have lots of very precise stories:-) hooray for coming home soon and having a birthday party for Bella! Enjoy these last few days. Love and prayers as always, Mom

  4. by Jess

    On June 23, 2012

    Love hearing about what you are doing there. We have been praying daily, and Parker’s prayers always include something about your bites;) We can’t wait for you to come home this week and to hear more in person!! Love to you all,
    Jess and family

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Loving Haiti
1607 Somerville Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526



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Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856