Mark-Day 25 (Spirit of Adoption)













Day 25 – Wednesday, March 14th

Relentless Scripture:  Rom 8: 15-17

Relentless Focus:  Spirit of Adoption

Relentless Example: “… but you have received a spirit of adoption…”

Well, it’s Wednesday here in Pignon, Haiti, the day I now  look forward to in working with Missionaries Bill and Jennifer Campbell at their feeding clinic for the severely malnourished (see day 11 and 18 for info on Haiti Home of Hope).  Today, I also worked alongside a urologist surgeon’s wife named Kim and her8th grade daughter Morgan, from the Lone Star State of Texas. This was their first time in Haiti, so while the good doctor was off performing surgeries all day, they decided to take their Spring Break and make a surgical strike against malnutrition.







Just like the Texas way, they jumped right into helping like a chicken on June bug; and with their blonde hair and radiant smiles, these little kids were easily distracted as they were plucked in and out of the weigh scale. With Danielle handling the log books and Pastor Clebert distributing the formula and food, Jennifer was freed up to focus on examinations and communication with the caregivers on the results and path forward. I filled in where needed especially after Pastor had to go and teach school.








Overall we proved out the theory today that Blondes do have more fun. J Because before you knew it, we went through all those enrolled in the program, evaluated potential enrollees, paid our weekly respect to the widows outside the gate, and closed up shop within 2.5 hours. So what made the difference this round?  I believe it was all of that good news … no one was added to the program; Amy, the critical infant from last week, gained a half-pound; Kevins, although just maintaining this week, his outward signs look really good. In fact, almost all the kids this time had a  weight gain or their loss was within an acceptable margin, and you could visibly see the improved difference in their health. They were moving over the hump (of being malnourished) to the plump, some more physically, but with all, their little spirits were starting to feel alive and you could sense that they wanted to come out and play.







And here’s even more good news … you know the woman I shared in my earlier log whose child was enrolled into the program due to the fact that her mom had lost five previous children to malnutrition? I heard today that the biological woman and the biological dad, who gave their life to Christ last year, now want to be baptized and married. This is a huge step forward considering where they have come from (loss of five kids and deep out of the practice of Voodoo). Please pray for the Benoits; they’re putting it all on the line to do the right things in following Christ.







Also, please pray for Jennifer and Bill Campbell, they’re right in the middle of a Haitian adoption process and scheduled to meet with the US Embassy this Monday @ 7:00 am. Christy who’s now 9, and Alana who’s 8, are the two girls they desire to adopt.







Alana, who was the Campbell’s first orphanage child, arrived at their doorstep with her dad at just 4 days old and 4 pounds in weight. Her mom was believed to have died of a stroke after childbirth. They were counseled by both American and Haitian doctors not to receive her, because her health was too far gone.  But they prayed and took her in anyway, feeding her with a medicine dropper and massaging her throat because she couldn’t swallow on her own.  By the grace of God she pulled through, and with lots of prayers and love.  She is their first miracle child! Six months after Alana came on the scene, Christy shows up with her dad. She was 1 year old but only weighed 9 pounds. Her mom had died of T.B. She like Alana was miraculously nurtured back to health over a critical period of time.  Although the Campbell’s  original intention was to start a Boy’s Orphanage, they just kept following God’s lead and watched Him work both girls and boys into what it is today (I’ll talk more about their orphanage in a later log). Haiti Home of Hope is truly a story of many miracles, where kids over the years have received the spirit of adoption into God’s family of Love.







Tangible Need: Missionary Bill & Jennifer …Pray for favor with God and men regarding adoption hearing w/ US Embassy – Monday March 18th @7:00 am.

Pray for Loving Haiti: Men have fathered many children through multiple relationships and have left one after the other,  married or not (commitment/responsibility/accountability).

Pray for Me:  Seasonal Allergies (lots of dust & wind around here)





Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on March 15, 2012

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1 Comment

  1. by Jill

    On March 15, 2012

    Those soon-to-be adopted girls are so beautfiul–what an amazing story. A great testament to Bill and Jennifer’s sacrificial service, perseverance, and God’s miraculous power. Those two beloved daughters wouldn’t be here today without that. I’m awed and convicted.

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