Mark-Day 27 (Making the Grade)














Day 27 – Friday, March 16th

Relentless Scripture:  Rom 4:18

Relentless Focus: Making the Grade

Relentless Example: “In hope against hope he believed …”

Earlier this week I asked Pastor François if through him, I could interview the kids in the orphanage and share a bit of their stories with the Loving Haiti audience. He said that he would need to discuss this with his church board before giving me an answer. I then shared with him some questions I thought might be of interest; but thinking about it now, I would really like to hear what questions you might like me to ask Pastor about himself, the Kids or Haiti. Questions, anyone?







For example, at the dinner table this evening I asked Pastor several questions that led to this particular info about him. In discovering why he has such a heart for the fatherless and motherless, I found out that he had lost his father at the early age of 14 days old. His dad was a farmer/rancher here in Pignon and was fortunate to have left something of value for his mom to live off of, before she re-married. He told me in Haiti, it can be hard with both a father and mother, but without a father, it’s hopeless for any good to come of your life, of course the exception being by the grace of God, which he spoke of often.

Pastor followed up with a situation that happened today while he was paying close attention to the fence project (actually, he moved his chair right into their working quarter and camped out there all day).







On the other side of the fence (which is now under construction) there’s a pathway used quite heavily by his neighbors to the NW. There was a young woman walking by whom he believed used to go the church he now pastors. As she made her way by him the second time, he stopped her and struck up a polite conversation, to find out that her dad had recently passed away, and now things were really hard for her and her mom. In fact, she stopped coming to church because she did not have a shirt or any shoes to wear. In private, Pastor invited her to meet with him and Madame tomorrow, so they can see how to help in this time of need.







I’ve always held to the belief that if you really want to meet the people in your neighborhood, then start an outdoor project, something visible to their sight and of interest to their mind. I learned today that making the grade for being a good neighbor has little to do with grading your property line for building a fence, although building a fence can sometimes help you become more Accessible, Available, Approachable and Accountable to each other’s needs.  What people are really looking for is a fence line toward HOPE.  If you will build it (co-laborers together with God), they will come!

Tangible Needs:  Clothes and Shoes

Pray for Loving Haiti: That the Church continues to show the fatherless, the way to the Father.    

Pray for Me: Clash of Cultures – Forbearing One Another in Love





Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on March 17, 2012

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  1. by Beka D

    On March 17, 2012

    I would love to know what hopes and dreams the kids have for their future. Can you tell us more about Francois’ life? Does he have children? How did he come to start the orphanage? How does he decide who he can help? What does he think are the best ways for us to help (prayer, finances, visiting, etc)?

    I’m sure I will think of more, but my bed is calling. Thanks again for these daily updates!

  2. by Jenn Kelley

    On March 18, 2012

    Hi mark,
    The pictures of the kids there are so sweet, I would love to hear their stories. I like bekas question about what they dream of for the future! And life for them in the orphanage now.
    So true about meeting neighbors just by being outside! Glad the project is going well.

  3. by Gramma Lynn

    On March 21, 2012

    I would also like to know what is their greatest comfort/joy in life right now?

    And how would they most like to see us love them? ie. what do they see as the greatest need in their life right now?

    Keep the pictures coming, Mark – they are precious…sad…heart-warming.


  1. Mark-Day 30 (The Housing Crunch) | Loving Haiti Mark-Day 30 (The Housing Crunch) | Supporting an orphanage, school, sewing center and church in Pignon, Haiti.

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