Mark-Day 31 (Speaking the Truth in Love)














Day 31 – Wednesday, March 21st

Relentless Scripture:  Eph 4:14-16

Relentless Focus: “… Speaking the Truth in Love …”

If you have been Loving Haiti, then you know that Missionary Bill and Jennifer Campbell have been my B.M.F. (my best missionary friends). Pastor François has developed a great partnering relationship with them over the past 10 years. It’s been so encouraging to actually bear witness to how the ‘Body of Christ’ builds itself up in love as each part does its work.  And God’s Kingdom work is what they do best. That’s why I’m Loving Haiti!







For new readers of this blog, Bill and Jennifer run an Orphanage 24X7 and a feeding clinic every Wednesday, for the severely malnourished children and/or their caregivers. Their ministry, Haiti Home of Hope, is operated by the Red Bridge Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri. For more information about this ministry you can go to:  By the way, thanks for praying for Bill and Jennifer and this past Monday’s adoption meeting at the U.S. Embassy. It’s been a long drawn out process but well worth the wait for adopting Alana and Christy as their Haitian Daughters.  Please continue to keep them in your prayers.







Today at the feeding clinic things went reasonably well, all things considered–only one new child was added to the program, and only two kids were not making the appropriate gains. This feeding clinic seems to be the Wednesday hotspot for Missionary teams and their guests. Today I worked alongside a team representing the great states of Iowa and Kansas.







(Iowa team with the widows)

The one new addition to the program was the result of a mother abandoning her child and running off to the Dominion Republic. Fortunately for this child, there’s a grandmother who is willing and able to help nurture this child back to health.  The two kids who were today’s usual suspects – one had an early case of pneumonia (which was treated with an antibiotic/cough suppressant); the other, having now been on the program for four weeks, has lost a full pound (going the wrong direction). There was a definite red flag that went up for Jennifer.







Little Kevins was getting the best of the best and lots of it, and still not making any gain. Jennifer proceeded to have a good and hard conversation with the caregiver who 4-weeks ago had identified herself as Kevins’ grandmother, Kevins’ mother having abandoned him or died. It was found out later that day through a house visit that the supposed caregiver was just a neighbor (whose children were believed to have been on the program years previous) who for whatever reason, concealed her identity and conspired with the real grandmother who was herself nursing a child of her own, to bring home the goods  (which little Kevins probably saw very little of if any at all). It was interesting how everyone else in that family was looking quite healthy except him. Things that make you go Ummm!







Jennifer and Pastor Clebert made it absolutely clear to the real grandmother and father that from now on, if the grandmother doesn’t escort little Kevins to the feeding clinic or if he continues to show slow or no progress in weight gain and health, then Jennifer has no choice but to take him off the program. I talked to Jennifer later on tonight and she had mentioned that Pastor and she were very encouraged afterward, and they believe little Kevins is now on the proper care-giving path of nourishment.







Tangible Needs:  Jennifer still could use a real examination table.

Pray for Loving Haiti: Wisdom and discernment for Jennifer and Pastor Clebert

Pray for Me: I’m going to miss my little friend Kevins when I head back to the States. He was the first kid I got to hold.








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