Update Time!


Hey Friends!

This is Abby.

I had grand plans of writing an update the past few months.

But then summer happened. And summer is chaotic and fun and crazy all at the same time.

AND, our website wasn’t cooperating with us so every time I tried to download pics it just froze. And who wants to read a blog post without pics?!?!

Enough excuses, let’s get started!

Our family has a goal to live in Haiti 4-8 weeks every summer(since Denny has summers off, as a high school teacher).

Plans changed this summer, however, due to the arrival of our new family member, Audrey Faith.

Until her adoption is finalized(October) we can’t take her out of the country.

Since our entire family couldn’t go,  Betsy, my mom, my dad and I went!

It was my mom’s first time going to Haiti and my dad’s second.

We went for 9 days in the beginning of June, and it was SO fun.

My dad mentioned multiple times how cool it was to have three generations all in Haiti at the same time!

DSCN3227Jump roping on the new patio!
(Thank you, Carl and Sigi!)



DSCN3240My Mom and Jublee


DSCN3297The current school building. In need of a huge remodel.



 The new soccer area by the orphaange!


DSCN3221My Dad and Emil. My dad is doing his famous peacock noise.
(Yes, there are peacocks in Haiti. And they’re LOUD!)



Betsy, Modeline and Michelda






Sweet Katelove


Three generations…waiting out a rain storm!


betsylaviBetsy and Lavi  (June 2012)


 Betsy and Lavi (June 2013)





We gathered with two other orphanages one Sunday afternoon and threw them a huge party and told the how much they are loved.



Lots of school graduations going on in Pastor’s church building.




We checked out the new water tank, pipes, toilets, showers, etc!




The spot on Pastor’s property where he would like to build a Kindergarten-Preschool classroom. (The old building got torn down when the government widened and paved the roads).




Mark and Pido out in the mountains loving on some sweet kids!







Pastor and the kids!




Mark reenacting ‘Let the children come to me.”



We threw the kids a birthday party! Most of them don’t know how old they are or when their birthdays are so we just did everyone all together!!! We made  cake and showed them a movie.




 Preparing an individual cake and candle for each child.
Only the best for these kids. Rainbow chip cake with rainbow chip frosting. All the way from the USA.




Pastor, Madam and Alden(Pastor’s son).


 Ugh. The website isn’t letting me download anymore pictures so this will have to suffice.

It was an EXCELLENT trip.

We had no agenda other than assessing needs, checking in on current projects and living life with our Haitian family! 😉

We came home so thankful at the progress that has been made over the past few years thanks to Loving Haiti’s generous donors.

Denny was scheduled to head out to Haiti in August with a few pastors from our church.

LONG story short, they went to the airport, all their flights got cancelled and therefor their trip did too.

They are planning on heading back in December.


So, what projects are currently underway?!

1. Orpahange Maintenace Project that Carl and Sigi started during their time in Haiti. We are almost fully funded!

 2. Guest House Roof Project 
We began fundraising(privately) for this project in  June and we are ALMOST at our goal. Please take a look at the original letter I sent out and see if you might be able to help?!
We have $10,500 of the $12,000 we need!


Hello Friends of Pastor Francois!


My name is Abby Bain. My husband, Denny, and myself run Loving Haiti. (www.LovingHaiti.org)


We have either already met/spoke with you or we were given your contact information as someone who visits him yearly or regularly. 


One of Loving Haiti’s board members, Mark Bell(my father), and I went down to Pignon this past June. We had a meeting with Pastor while we were down there to check in on current projects as well as hear what Pastor’s most current and pressing needs are. 


Pastor’s #1 “emergency” need is for a new roof on the guest house or “hospitality suites.”


The current metal sheeting roof is 30 years old. It is at the end of it’s life cycle.  It is leaking in many spots, despite having tried to patch it up over the years. 


Consequently, it leaked everyday we were there that it rained hard. Sometimes on the beds, sometimes in huge puddles, down the walls, etc. We were constantly replacing buckets to catch the leaking water. 


To further investigate this need and how to meet it,  the following day Pastor, Mark, Alden and a Haitian contractor met, discussing the different ways to move forward.


They have decided a concrete roof is the sturdiest most long lasting solution to replace the current metal roof. A concrete roof will also better support the existing solar panels as well as any additional panels that may be added over the years. While a metal roof will wear out in 20-30 yrs a concrete roof should last the lifetime of the structure!


Also,  when looking at costs, a concrete roof will actually costs less than a new metal roof and will last much, much longer. 


Pastor and his church have agreed to do all the tear down and prep work. They will take off the existing solar panels, tear down the metal roof and build a platform for the new roof to be built. 


After praying and discussing how to move forward with raising funds for this project we decided the best, most logical way would be to ask the people that actually use the guest house if they can help us raise the funds.


From tear down to completion, this roof will take around 4-5 weeks and will cost around $12,000.


Ideally, Pastor would like to start this project as soon as possible, especially since Hurricane season has begun.


Please pray and consider how you and/or your church may help fund raise to put a new roof on the hospitality suites. 


Also, please e-mail me and let me know you received this e-mail so I know it went to all the right people!


Thanks so much for all you have done, are doing and continue to do for Pastor, Madam and all the lives they touch with their ministry. 


I trust and pray the Lord will provide and meet all of their needs.


Feel free to call or e-mail me anytime with questions. 


3. Monthly Donors
We are currently sending $1400/month to cover the costs of taking care of the kids in the orphanage. However the amount we need to fully cover the costs of each kid is $3500/month.



If you’d like to donate to any of these projects please follow the directions on the right hand of this website.(You can give online or via check.)

Thank you for taking the time to read this update!



Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on September 19, 2013

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  1. by Sondra

    On September 19, 2013

    I enjoyed reading you blog & looking at the pictures again!! Ron & I will pray & talk here!!! Bless you Abby!!(;-)

  2. by Anonymous

    On September 19, 2013

    Well done, Boo, and it sure makes me want to be back there:-)

  3. by Kara

    On September 19, 2013

    So awesome Abby! I love the birthday cakes. What a beautiful thing!

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How to give a tax deductible donation

Loving Haiti Inc. is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization and your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law.
Loving Haiti
1607 Somerville Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526



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Weekend Masses in English

Saturday Morning: 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am,
12:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Weekend Masses In Español

Saturday Vigil: 6:15pm

Sunday: 9:00am, 7:15pm

Weekday Morning Masses

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am

6654 Main Street
Wonderland, AK 45202
(513) 555-7856