Widows + Young Men

There is much beauty here in Pignon, especially at the Loving Haiti compound. Here is some of the foliage that Pastor is growing on his grounds; he loves plants and flowers, and he adds to them as he is able. It’s great for the kids to see the beauty of nature around them.
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And this is our view at the end our balcony–an incredibly gorgeous tree in full bloom.
And, of course, the kids are the real beauties–here are Michelda and Naika, and Som helping Naika (who is the littlest and one of the newest here now).
Moses’ grandma came to visit this morning, and she brought a bag of candy for the kids. Pastor had them all come down the hill so she could hand them each 2 bonbons. I guess grandma is here until Monday! She is 83 years old, living in Hinche now, and an evangelist of sorts. A loud “Hallelujah!” erupts from her every now and then:-) She is very sweet.
Pastor still does his best to give something to the widows each Saturday. They come from 2-5 miles out, and he gives them empty plastic water bottles that they can exchange for a few cents in the market. He gives them some money as he’s able, and he tries to have beans and rice for them on occasion. There are 10 here in this picture, and 3 more came after we left for market.
Mark and I decided to take only older children to market today, as Saturday Market is very big and it’s much too easy to get separated. Earlier in the week, a few of the teenage boys told me they needed shoes. I asked Pastor if the need was there and if we could take them to buy shoes. Pastor does not like the children to ask us for anything, so I had Emil sit with us so he could share what he knew about the shoe situation. A long story short, we ended up taking 5 boys with us to buy shoes, with Pastor’s blessing, and they all came home very happy. The pictures below are the boys as they headed out to market in front of us, an ox cart that went by as we came out of the compound, and then a photo of the 5 boys and Emil.
Yonel, age 15–came with Emil and Som 10 years ago from Gonaives, after the hurricane. Kind, gentle, and very reliable.
Romane, age 16–His mom died. Due to his father leaving to find work he and his two brothers (Samson, and Djoubi) were brought to Pastor’s son Alden in Cap Haitien. Pastor then welcomed them into his Children’s home.  The father comes to visit them occasionally.
Roberjo, age 16–very horrific story but with redemption–people set fire around his house with his sister Lovely and their mom inside. Roberjo was not inside at the time. Some neighbors got them to the hospital, where Pastor met them, as he often visits the sick. They were in the hospital for 3-5 months, and Pastor visited regularly, helping with the cost. Once the mom was released, he took her in and she worked for him for a year or two until she was stronger. Lovely went to Bill and Jennifer’s orphanage were she has received some medical care to help recover use of her arms which were badly burned. Roberjo is a kind young man and seems happy here.
Djoubli, age 12–Romane and Samson’s brother.
Jerry, age 16–one of the hardest workers and most cheerful young men I’ve ever had the privilege to know! He came “many years ago” with his older brother Philip, who is now going to school in Cap.
I am more amazed each day at the lives of these children and the joy they show as they go about their day. What a gift to spend time with them and get to know them better.

Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on July 7, 2014

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  1. by Betsy

    On July 7, 2014

    That is wonderful you are having the time to invest in each of these kids’ lives! What a blessing all the way around! Thank you for taking the time to introduce us to each of them. Someday, it will be out turn to make a visit;))

  2. by Lynn

    On July 7, 2014

    Wonderful photos, Jill….and stories! I want to make a notebook for myself with the kids stories so I can keep them straight.
    Thank you!

  3. by Lynn

    On July 7, 2014

    Pastor used to fill those plastic bottles with cooking oil for the widows…sad that there isn’t money for that….

  4. by Caroline

    On July 8, 2014

    I am blessed as you share. Thanking God you are there as His hands and feet.

  5. by Tanner

    On July 14, 2014

    So fun to read about each of these kids’ lives and the wonderful work you and Uncle Mark are doing down there Jillic! It’s very inspiring and I am so humbled by your selflessness. Way to shower them with love, that’s a gift they will never forget :)

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1607 Somerville Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526



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